Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tips to Getting Back Together with the Ex

If you’re interested in getting back together with the ex, the first thing you have to do is get him or her to return your phone calls. Let’s first take a look at how NOT to approach the issue. There are two messages that almost never work and, even worse, put you in an awful psychological position.
The first is the PLEA, where the message sounds like "Fred, please, please, please call me. This is the third time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you."
The other is the EMERGENCY: "Sue, this is an emergency. Please call me as soon as you get this."
I think you can see what is wrong with both of those approaches, but I still haven’t given you what does work. The secret lies in using curiosity and self-interest, two of the most powerful forces in the human mind.
Let's look at what you can say that works nearly every time. In a friendly tone, just say: "Hi, Fred. It's Sue. I wanted to let you know I appreciate what you did for me. Call me because I want to thank you in person."
Fred will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?" "What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And he’ll feel good because it is a positive message.
A word of caution, though: Before you call, you need to do the "Set Up" ... which is figuring out what he/she did that you appreciate. It can be a small thing, but it needs to be plausible.
AND, more importantly, you need to have an underlying strategy established BEFORE you call. What you do before, during, and after they return your call is more important than getting them to return your call.
Have a PLAN first! At this site, you can get a copy of T. Dub Jackson’s book The Magic of Making Up. By reading it, you’ll know what to say when they do return that call! You’ll know how to get back together with the ex.

Healing a Broken Heart

Healing a broken heart is not an impossible task. Too often people (even your closest friends!) will tell you that you just need to get over it, accept the breakup and move on with your life. But what if you don’t want to move on? What if you want to recapture the magic of your old life? What if you want to get back together with your ex? No, you’re not crazy.
It doesn’t matter if he’s thrown you out of the house. It doesn’t matter if she’s put your belongings out with the trash. Regardless of the circumstances, you can get back together with your ex. Healing a broken heart by reigniting the love that brought you together can get your ex back! You just need to know how to go about it.
Where to start? At the Magic of Making Up, T. Dub Jackson has a free video that lets you know the very first step you need to take to get your ex back. Confucius said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Try it! You’ll find that’s the first step you need to take toward healing a broken heart.

Getting Back Together with an Ex

Getting back together with an ex is oftentimes the best way to heal a broken heart. Whatever caused your breakup seems unimportant in the light of all the good times and things you shared. But how on earth can you get back together? She won’t return your phone calls; he told you he never wanted to see you again. What’s the real reason she left? Is he having an affair with another woman? Don’t you wish you could turn back time and make things the way they were—or even better?
The truth is that you can! Getting back together with an ex is not an impossible task. Contrary to what most advisors tell you, you shouldn’t just give it a month apart and work on yourself. There are concrete steps you can take, steps you should take, if you want to have a good chance to get back together with your ex. I could do it, and you can to! You just need to know what steps to take, steps that work in the real world for you and me.
At the Magic of Making Up, T. Dub Jackson has a free video that lets you know the very first step you need to take for getting back together with an ex. Do it now!

Remedy for a Broken Heart

Remedy for a broken heart? Is there really a single remedy that will help a broken heart? A remedy for my broken heart? Can anyone else know what I’m going through? Can they help me go through it?
Yes, as bad as you’re feeling now, I’ve felt that way too. Everyone who’s gone through a breakup has felt that way. Do you leave the radio off so you won’t hear “your” song? Do you overeat—or starve yourself—because you’re so unhappy? Do you think constantly about how things could have been different?
Believe it or not, there is a remedy for a broken heart. It worked for me, and it will work for you! Just go to the Magic of Making Up. T. Dub Jackson has a couple videos there to share with you. He lets you know the first step you need to take if you want to get back together again with your “ex,” and he also (in less than 5 minutes!) gives you a simple exercise that will help calm your mind.
If you employ both of these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to finding a remedy for a broken heart.